
List of publications

The IDILICO project and some of the results obtained in preliminary supercomputer simulations have been already presented in several dissemination reports of the BSC, as well as in the following scientific papers:

Tous, J. L.; Solanes, J. M.; Perea, J. D.; Domínguez-Sánchez, H.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528, 2 (2024)


Tous, J. L.; Domínguez-Sánchez, H. ; Solanes, J. M.; Perea, J. D.

The Astrophysical Journal, 942, 1 (2023)


Tous, José Luis; Perea, Jaime; Solanes, José Maria; Domínguez-Sánchez, Helena

Contributions to the XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (2022)


José Luis Tous; Jaime Perea; Helena Domínguez-Sánchez; José Maria Solanes

'European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting', Valencia (Spain), September 2022

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José Luis Tous; José Maria Solanes; Jaime Perea; Helena Domínguez-Sánchez

'IAA-CSIC Severo Ochoa Advanced School on Galaxy Evolution', Granada (Spain), May 2022

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Jiménez-Palau, C; Solanes, J. M. ; Perea, J. D. ; del Olmo, A. ; Tous, J. L.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 515, 3 (2022)


Jiménez-Palau, C; Solanes, J. M. ; Perea, J. D. ; del Olmo, A. ; Tous, J. L.

VizieR On-line Data Catalog: J/MNRAS/515/3956 (2022)


Jiménez-Palau, Cristina;  Tous, José Luis; Solanes, José Maria;  del Olmo, Ascensión;  Perea, Jaime David

Contributions to the XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (2022)


Jiménez-Palau, Cristina;  Tous, José Luis; Solanes, José Maria;  del Olmo, Ascensión;  Perea, Jaime David

'European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting', Valencia (Spain), September 2022

PDF abstract

Bilata-Woldeyes, Betelehem; Perea, Jaime; Solanes, José María

Contributions to the XV.0 Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (2022)


Tous, J. L.; Solanes, J. M.; Perea, J. D.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 495, 4 (2020).


Tous, J. L.; Solanes, J. M.; Perea, J. D.

Contributions to the XIV.0 Scientific Meeting (virtual) of the Spanish Astronomical Society (2020).


Tous, J. L.; Solanes, J. M.; Perea, J. D.

'Epoch of Galaxy Quenching Virtual Meeting', Cambridge (United Kingdom), September 2020

PDF oral presentation

Solanes, J.M., Perea, J.D., Valentí-Rojas, G., del Olmo, A., Márquez, I., Ramos Almeida, C., Tous, J.L.

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 624, A86 (2019). 

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Solanes, J.M., Perea, J.D., Valentí-Rojas, G. 

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 614, A66 (2018). 

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Perea, J.D., Solanes, J.M. 

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, 344 (2016). 

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Solanes, J.M., Perea, J.D., Darriba, L., García-Gómez, C., Bosma, A., Athanassoula, E. 

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, 321 (2016)

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Solanes, J.M., Perea, J.D. 

'Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII', eds. A.J. Cenarro, F. Figueras, et al., pp. 337-342 (2015). 

PDF oral presentation

Solanes, J.M., Darriba, L., 'Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories', eds. K. Rosquist, R.T. Jantzen, R. Ruffini, Proceedings of the MG13 Meeting on General Relativity, pp. 1727-1729 (2015)

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Perea, J.D., Solanes, J.M., del Olmo, A. 

'Evolving galaxies in evolving environments', Bologna (Italy), 15th-19th September 2014. 

PDF oral presentation

Darriba, L., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., García-Gómez, C., Lambert, J.C., Perea, J.D., Solanes, J.M. 

XXIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics, 'Secular Evolution of Galaxies', Tenerife (Spain), 14th-25th November 2011.

PDF poster

Darriba, L., Solanes, J.M.

Astronomy & Astrophysics, 516, A7 (2010). 

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Darriba, L., Solanes, J.M., 'Hunting for the Dark: The Hidden Side of Galaxy Formation', Malta, 19-23 Oct. 2009, eds. V.P. Debattista, C.C. Popescu, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1240, pp. 409-410 (2010). 

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Darriba, L., Solanes, J.M., 'Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture', Granada, 12-15 May 2009, eds. L. Verdes-Montenegro, A. del Olmo, J. Sulentic, ASP Conference Series, 421, pp. 251 (2010).

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Solanes, J.M., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., Darriba, L., García-Gómez, C., Lambert, J.C., del Olmo, A., Perea, J.D., Toribio, M.C., 'Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture', Granada, 12-15 May 2009, eds. L. Verdes-Montenegro, A. del Olmo, J. Sulentic, ASP Conference Series, 421, pp. 291 (2010). 

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Perea, J.D., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., García-Gómez, C., Lambert, J.C., del Olmo, A., Solanes, J.M., Toribio, M.C., Deborah Dultzin 60th Birthday Conference: 'The Nuclear Region, Host Galaxy and Environment of Active Galaxies', eds. Benítez, E., Cruz-González, I., Krongold, Y. (Huatulco: UNAM), RevMexAA Conf. Ser., 32, 175 (2008).

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Solanes, J.M., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., García-Gómez, C., Lambert, J.C., del Olmo, A., Perea, J.D., Toribio, M.C., 'Nuevos Retos de la Astrofísica Española', Proceedings of the VII Reunión Científica de la SEA, eds. F. Figueras, J.M. Girart, M. Hernanz, C. Jordi (Springer), 2006.

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Toribio, M.C., Athanassoula, E., Bosma, A., García-Gómez, C., Lambert, J.C., del Olmo, A., Perea, J.D., Solanes, J.M., Proceedings of the XLIst. Rencontres de Moriond, XXVIth Astrophysics Moriond Meeting: 'From dark halos to light', eds. L. Tresse, S. Maurogordato, J. Tran Thanh Van (Gif sur Yvette: Éditions Frontières), 2006. 

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List of PhD Thesis developed within the project

by José Luis Tous Mayol

Date of defense: April 2024


by Laura Darriba Pol

Date of defense: October 2013

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